Alum BioNotes

The following is an in-progress collection of biography notes and stories about Jarvis Grads. No, not just the rich and obviously famous, but all of us who got raised in the Garden of Jarvis. Hell - we are all famous and accomplished and appreciated somewhere. Certainly worthy of being read about! Am I right or am I right?

The library as intended has more than a feel-good purpose. It is a collective shout out to the world to say: "Hey; look at the variety and strength of people Jarvis CI helped to educate and inspire", which is a strong marketing message for the school and will help to attract future students.

Thirdly, it is a resource for students and recent grads who have a need to reach out for advice, mentoring, jobs and business connections.

When you take it all in in, the JCI Alum Collection is a pretty significant project!

ED NOTE: The Library is the product of years of work by Oliver Bertin, a JCI Alum extraordinaire. Trust me and is still hard to track people down even in this electronic world. All thanks to Oliver!

If you want to add stories or your own bio notes, please say so via the Contact Page on this site.

Over to you for happy JCI Alum Bio Reading eh.

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